
Working Towards Zero Waste


If you’re not for zero waste,
how much waste are you for?

Waste prevention is our main jam. Well we’re partial to strawberry too, but the whole reduce, replace, reuse, refill, repurpose, recycle, (and compost) thing is what we really like to spread around.

Events tend to generate a significant amount of waste in a short time period. They can also be a platform to showcase your sustainability commitments while creating a model of zero waste for your attendees by exposing people to the possibility of a world without (or at least a lot less) waste in a tangible and compelling way.

Our services fall into several categories, connected, but able to stand on their own depending on what you need.

On-site Support | Consulting and Creative Strategy | Metrics and Reporting





We’re on site to manage your waste, mindfully.

We handle the plan, infrastructure, and on site logistics. Combined with our specialized knowledge in a rapidly changing recycling and composting landscape, we give you peace of mind in knowing that we have the whole waste reduction thing covered.

Our basic on site support services include:

  • Materials assessment and info gathering

  • Establish a plan to maximize resource recovery through recycling, composting, and securing post-event donations

  • Create vendor guidelines for sorting recyclable and compostable materials from trash

  • Coordinate receptacles, dumpsters, and supplies

  • On site materials management; your volunteers or our staff

    • Bins monitored to remove contaminants

    • Bags changed throughout the event to ensure no unsightly overflowing bins

Additional services include:

  • Resource recovery station monitors/attendee education

  • Back of house sorting to guarantee contamination free recycling and compost

  • Sort redemption bottles and cans for Oregon Bottle Drop

  • Grounds clean up



Consulting and Creative Strategy

Working towards zero waste is equal parts research, ideating creative solutions, designing a compelling strategy, stakeholder activation, boots on the ground management, and measuring results.  

Our happy place is designing waste out of the system; sourcing sustainable alternatives; planning for on site recycling and composting; donating what can’t be avoided; and getting others to rally around the vision. If you want to take your recycling efforts to the next level, this is where it’s at.

Our Consulting and Creative Strategy services include :

      • Designing a zero waste strategy

      • Goal setting

      • Waste audits

      • Durable dish-ware programs

      • Food waste prevention

      • Sustainable procurement

      • Integrated marketing communications

      • Activating attendee sustainable behavior

      • Vendor, exhibitor, venue, and accommodation guidelines, policies and RFP language

      • Sustainable event certification

      • Establishing a baseline, measuring results, sustainability reporting



Metrics & Sustainability Reporting

As the saying goes, you can’t manage what you don’t measure.  How else are you supposed to know how much you have accomplished and where you can improve unless success is defined and tracked? We use resource recovery rates, waste generated per person, and waste avoided as our primary metrics.  We have the tools in place to also measure your greenhouse gas emissions reductions from the waste management practices from your event.  



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